Ecobonus 2024: from June 3 applications

June 3, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. it is possible to apply for the new incentives for non-polluting cars provided by Mise and bookable on the Ecobonus platform.

The main objective is to incentivize the scrapping of the most polluting cars (Euro 0, 1, 2 and 3 classes), which make up 25 percent of the fleet on the road.

Below is a vademecum to understand how they work and all the steps to obtain them.

Ecobonus 2024. The resources available under the new incentives

The DPCM published in May (Decree of the Prime Minister’s Office) in the Official Gazette concerns the purchase of low-emission vehicles.

The total resources amount to 1 billion euros for the current year, including 950 million for Ecobonus 2024 and 50 million earmarked for L vehicles, allocated by the 2020 Law no. 178.

A significant increase over the 2023 incentives.

Thepurchase of electric, plug-in hybrid and heat-powered cars with a CO2 emission level of up to 135 gr/km is facilitated, as well as electric and non-electric motorcycles and mopeds and light commercial vehicles.

Video Source: Evening Courier

Electric cars, how much is the rebate

Up to 13,750 euros (from the 5,000 provided so far) can be obtained for the purchase of an electric car by scrapping a vehicle up to Euro 2.

For non-electric models and up to Euro 5, the discount is 40 percent, up to 2,500 euros, if the seller makes an additional reduction of at least 5 percent and if a Euro 0 to Euro 3 vehicle is scrapped.

As reported on the official website, “The subsidy is recognized as the lower price charged by the dealer on the invoice at the time of purchase.”

There will also be a contribution to the installation of new LPG (400 euros) or CNG (800 euros) systems.

Contributions based on income

Incentives vary according to the income of the buyer. For incomes over 30,000 euros, the maximum incentive is 6,000 euros without scrapping and can go up to 11,000 euros by scrapping a Euro 0 to Euro 2 car.

In addition, a maximum price threshold is established for purchasable models, with different values for different emission ranges.

Types of subsidized vehicles

The contributions are proportional to the environmental class of the vehicle to be scrapped, including Euro 5 class vehicles.

For some brands, Stellantis grants specific offers: for example, Fiat, Alfa Romeo and Jeep; “social leasing” is offered for the electric Fiat 500 (Initiative called “Diamo valore al Made in Italy”) available for the first one thousand customers with an Isee under 30,000 euros who will be able to drive the car, for three years at no cost.

Electric motorcycles, scooters, tricycles and quadricycles are also eligible for the incentives, with discounts of up to 40 percent for scrapping Euro 0 to Euro 3 vehicles.

The purchase of electric, plug-in hybrid and heat-powered cars with CO2 emissions up to 135 g/km, as well as motorcycles, mopeds and light commercial vehicles are subsidized.

The maximum price threshold is set at 35,000 euros for emission bands 0-20 and 61-135, and 45,000 euros for the intermediate band 21-60.

How to get the Ecobonus

The incentive reservation is active from June 3, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. on the Ecobonus platform and managed by Invitalia.

To obtain the ECOBONUS platform access account, follow the steps below:
Search for your dealer;
Enter your biographical data in the registration form;
Receipt of registration activation pec;
Activation of registration by your dealer;
Access the online application by entering your email and the indicated password.

ECOBONUS platform portal accreditation

The four steps in the application

Reservation: the dealer/dealer, after completing the registration to the platform, proceeds with the reservation of the contribution for each vehicle and, depending on the availability of the fund, receives confirmation of the reservation made.

Disbursement: the dealer/dealer acknowledges the contribution to its customer by offsetting the purchase price.

Reimbursement: the manufacturer/importer of the vehicle reimburses the dealer/dealer for the subsidy provided.

Recovery: the vehicle manufacturer/importer receives all relevant documentation from the dealer/dealer to recover the refunded contribution in the form of tax credit. (Source:

On the website of Invitalia on behalf of Mimit, forms to apply for the bonus are available as well as tables that, broken down by vehicle categories, show the criteria for awarding the grants.


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