Charging columns and NRP funds, all the news in May 2023

Charging columns and Wallboxes:
are 741 million total funds under the NRP – National Recovery and Resilience Plan. A plan that could concretely boost the market and the development throughout the peninsula of an electric mobility-related economy. Funding, however, is still unavailable to applicants, and the deadline has been set for the end of 2025.*

Are we in danger of losing the funds, then? We clarify each aspect of the issue point by point in this article.

The point on the Calls for Proposals for charging station incentives

In the
Mase statement
published on January 20, 2023 reads:

“Recorded by the Court of Auditors the two decrees of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security that will enable the installation within the next three years of more than 21 thousand charging stations for electric vehicles, on Italy’s freeways and urban centers, thanks to the 713 million euros provided by the NRP.”

Funds have been released but at present, the two calls are awaiting implementation.

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    What does the NRP fund for electric columns?

    Using PNRR funds, the two government (Ministry of Environment and Energy Security) calls for the installation of 21 thousand electric vehicle charging stations by 2025 throughout Italy.

    Specifically, the plan announces the implementation of the following steps:

    • 741 million in total PNRR allocation
    • 21,255 the total number of electric car charging stations
    • 7,500 super-fast charging stations on suburban roads
    • 13,755 fast-charging stations in urban areas

    As mentioned above, there is still a lack of an implementing decree to make accessible or funds.

    In the meantime, there is talk of large investments by private companies, such as the 200 million euros from France’s Electra, which plans to set up a fast-charging network distributed widely throughout the peninsula.

    Here is the full decree

    What else the two government decrees provide for e-Cars

    The two calls for proposals that Mase is expected to implement include the installation of charging stations of at least 90kW in urban centers, taking into account the following variables:

    • Vehicle fleet (how many electric vehicles are actually registered);
    • Availability of remittances;
    • Private parking lots and garages;
    • Air quality;
    • Tourist vocation of municipalities.

    The notices also mention the installation of 175kW super-fast infrastructure with columns on freeways, in existing parking areas and gas stations.

    Up to 40 percent of costs may be financed, with preference in applications for parking or service areas already built.

    E-cars and charging points, the Italian situation

    There were 170,428 e-cars on the road in Italy as of January 31, 2023. The 36,772* charging points.

    The latest findings* speak of an 8.7 percent drop in registrations in (January 2023) compared to the same period last year (3,333 units).

    This goes against the trend of other EU countries, which are instead experiencing a surge in the battery electric vehicle (BEV) sector.

    In this overall picture, if the target for return with the NRP is indeed 2025, industry associations such as Motus -E are sounding the alarm about the short time available to implement the decrees. It is not only about releasing funds, but also about distributing them in a fair and virtuous way.

    In addition, as mentioned above, French company Electra is ready to invest heavily in Italy with super-fast (15-30 minutes) full recharges and 3,000 new charging points throughout Italy.

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      Electricity columns: which projects are eligible for funding?

      The government release states that the projects eligible for funding are:

      “Projects started after the date of submission of the grant application. In cases where the project requires a new grid connection or the upgrading of an existing connection, the company must attach a connection estimate.”

      It is understood that those who apply for it must already have all permissions, including those of any owners of the land.

      Regarding freeways, eligible interventions are expenditures involving “charging infrastructure of at least 175 kW power, with a maximum specific cost of 81,000 euros per charging infrastructure.”

      Regarding urban centers, the following are allowed:

      • The purchase and installation of charging stations with at least 90 kW of power;
      • The costs of installing the columns, electrical systems, and strictly necessary construction work;
      • The implants and monitoring devices.

      Allowable costs for Wallboxes and charging stations.

      The following costs are allowed, which, as specified above, must not exceed 40% coverage of expenses:

      • Maximum 50 thousand euros per charging infrastructure;
      • No upper limit of 20% for connection to the power grid;
      • Limit not exceeding 10% of expenditure on design costs.

      Who can apply

      Companies or RTIs (Temporary Grouping of Companies) that must demonstrate at the time of application submission: “that they have operated operational charging infrastructures in the territory of the EU, amounting to at least 5 percent of the number of charging infrastructures for which they want to apply.

      If the submitter is not the station operator, an agreement between the two is needed to implement new infrastructure.

      Permits are always required for both operation and construction.

      Incentives cannot be combined with other public incentives or “support schemes however denominated, qualifying as state aid intended for the implementation of the same charging infrastructure.”

      Domestic columns and wallboxes, Fastbrain’s support

      Fastbrain takes care of your project from start to finish. We provide you with qualified and certified electricians.

      This ensures maximum expertise and knowledge of charging station installers on standards and specifications for electric vehicle charging.

      Our charging stations offer safe, reliable and efficient service. The simplified interface makes charging accessible to everyone.

      The minimalist and essential design is designed to be installed in any setting, and because of this, it is never out of place.

      Our products can also be customized according to the target environment and can have one to two sockets as needed.

      In addition, given the different needs of customers, it can be decided whether to allocate some parking spaces to electric car users only or provide for infrastructure sharing.

      Installation does not end with purchase, but continues in the next phase.

      In fact, the Help Center allows the customer to report any problems quickly and easily and allowing incoming service requests to be handled in the best possible way.

      Thanks to the software installed on Fastbrain products, we will be able to maintain complete traceability of the work performed on your plant.

      As the years go by, this history will also help us to carry out any preventive maintenance actions that are useful to ensure its optimal functionality at all times.


      • Motus-E* data

      Why choose Fastbrain

      Fastbrain Engineering Ltd. Certified Partner of leading Technology Players including Brother, Lenovo, Synology, Graetz, SiComupter offers customized purchasing solutions tailored to the needs of professionals. It offers, in addition, pre- and post-sales support, including operational rental.

      We are a central player in ICT wholesale distribution and one of the leading players throughout the country in the IT and technology product distribution market. A key feature and competitive advantage is the selection of top brands and leading products in the most popular product categories.

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