Tell me the color of your logo and I will tell you who you are

Did you know that you can enhance your company logo by helping with colors and...

With Fastbrain and Goodram, storage has no more secrets

Continued expansion of business partnerships by Fastbrain Engineering , which also welcomes among its partners...

Gaming: can it be a job? How playing video games can become a career

That of gaming can become a real job ? Today’s numbers make it confirmo and...

Fastbrain Engineering in The Sun 24 Hours

The Sole 24 Ore , the nation’s leading daily newspaper for economic and financial information,...

Assisted reality, what it is and what it is useful for

The assisted reality can assist a process or work step by assisting the user in...

Fastbrain, new partnership with Jimmy

Jimmy , a brand owned by KingClean Electric Ltd. ., joins the roster of business...

Fastbrain becomes OKI authorized service center: all the benefits

As of March 1, 2022, Fastbrain Engineering expands the range of its business partnerships through...

TV Bonus form what changes and how to apply for it in 2022

Also in 2022 it is possible to apply for the TV Bonus. Here’s how. With...

FastBrain, new partnership with SiComputer, under the banner of competitiveness and convenience

“If ants get their act together, they can move an elephant.” (Burkina Faso proverb) “Talent...

Food labeling: the latest regulatory updates

The topic offood labeling is of crucial importance because it affects everyone’s safety; not surprisingly,...