Digitalization Voucher 2023 and other facilities for SMEs

Digitization Vouchers 2022, now Voucher Connectivity, extended until December 2023, are still active, through an...

Condominium charging columns: regulations, obligations and facilities

Charging stations for electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular in Italy, with more than 14,452...

Assisted Reality and inclusive learning: new opportunities in schools

Assisted reality offers schools unique opportunities to renew teaching, strengthen the role of teachers, and...

Innovative technologies: smart glasses for augmented reality

Among the innovative technologies of the latest generation, augmented reality glasses or smart glasses offer...

Bonus Columns for businesses and professionals kicks off: what it is and how to apply

After the column bonus for individuals and condominiums, funds for businesses and professionals will also...

Guide to innovative teaching with Augmented Reality: how to engage students

Intelligence is not what one knows, but what one does when one does not know....

Electric vehicle charging stations: how to install them and who to contact

There are 65 million electric vehicle charging stations to be installed by 2035. This is...

Gaming accessories, the importance of the mouse

The mouse among gaming accessories is of great importance, on par with the chair, keyboards...

Electric car charging stations: why they are important for the environment

The charging stations for electric cars have less impact on environmental pollution. Electric cars pollute...

Lenovo laptops: how they differ and how to choose them

High performance and competitive cost. With these words one could make an extreme summary of...