Augmented reality in the chemical-pharmaceutical industry: the Comber case

In a rapidly and unstoppably changing scenario, thechemical-pharmaceutical industry sector is also adapting, adopting augmented reality solutions provided by Fastbrain Engineering Srl.

The company Comber chose us as its system integrator and technology consultant along with our partner Brochesia’s augmented reality software B-View, successfully optimizing operational activities under the banner of sustainability and security.

The Comber Customer Story

Comber Process Technology S.r.l. is a mainstay in the process machinery industry with a history dating back to 1960.

Focusing on the production of filters, dryers and filter-dryers with impeccable attention to safety and quality, the company recognized the need to improve communication between field personnel and the engineering department.

The strategic partnership with Fastbrain has enabled the company to address this crucial need.

Comber, through the support of Fastbrain and the adoption of Brochesia’s B-View augmented reality software, integrated with the
RealWear Navigator Z1 smart glasses
has enabled After-Sales technicians to communicate in real time with the engineering department during interventions at plants, thus improving the transmission of critical information even in ATEX-rated environments (areas where there are or may be explosive atmospheres, i.e., mixtures of air and flammable gases, vapors, fumes or dust in quantities that could cause explosions or fires).


The technician is guided during the procedure, which he or she can perform with free hands and maximum precision.

In addition, Fastbrain Engineering – Brochesia’s integrated solutions provided remote support during manufacturing and assembly activities, eliminating dependence on devices such as smartphones or cameras.

Added value was offered to Comber’s customers, who were able to remotely participate in final machine testing before delivery, thus increasing transparency and collaboration.


The technical department follows up in real time by providing the necessary support.

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Speed, flexibility and maximum efficiency

Among the many benefits of Comber’s experience in adopting augmented reality solutions offered by Fastbrain Engineering are speed, flexibility and maximum efficiency in operations.

The partnership with Fastbrain and the advanced augmented reality features in the use of the B-View software, as already highlighted, ensured maximum efficiency even in ATEX zones through fully voice control of the RealWear Navigator Z1 while always leaving hands free to carry out interventions.

In addition, the support we provided during the training period facilitated fast and effective adoption of the new technologies within the company.

Fastbrain and augmented reality: a boost for business innovation

Considering the positive results achieved, Comber recommends that other companies in the industry adopt the integrated augmented reality solutions proposed by Fastbrain Engineering – Brochesia, which enable them to improve operational efficiency, collaboration and the quality of service provided to customers worldwide.

The case of Comber clearly shows the key role of augmented reality in optimizing remote collaboration and increasing safety and efficiency in the chemical-pharmaceutical industry.

Through its strategic partnership with Fastbrain Engineering, Comber has demonstrated the tangible value of new technologies in the modern industrial environment, emerging as an innovator in the chemical-pharmaceutical industry.

With R.A. you solve complex and risky tasks, even in ATEX Zone 1 Restricted Zones.

Video source: © RealWear Inc

What it means to rely on Intelligent Assisted Reality technologies.

With Fastbrain and RealWear, customer satisfaction can be increased by making work more efficient and easier.

Experts can, through
smart glasses
, guide, train and assist technicians in the field hands-free as they do their work.

RealWear solutions support companies in every industry with the best AR smart glasses on the market, under the banner of continuous innovation and sustainability.


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About Fastbrain and why to choose it

We are Certified Partners of leading Technology Players, offering customized solutions, pre-sales and after-sales support and operational rental included.

As a RealWear Gold Partner, we offer state-of-the-art assisted reality solutions designed to connect and collaborate with experts remotely, track digital workflows, visualize IoT data, and more.

Safely reduce downtime, improve quality and employee productivity, while realizing a significant return on investment.

Discover all the benefits of intelligent assisted reality for your Company.

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